Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Black Women Love Thyself

Black woman why are you sad, why are you steadily doubting yourself, why are you crying, why are you pretending to be happy? Black women have so many issues to face in the world we live in from sexism, racism, negative imagery, and everything else under the sun. This is the reason why it is so important that we take time to reflect on why we are great and to love ourselves. Self love is so essential to living a prosperous and beautiful life, yet so many Black women do not truly love their selves. I am no different from any other Black woman I have struggled and still struggle with this concept of loving myself and learning to understand myself more clearly. A lot of Black women have been in relationships that tore up whatever self esteem they had and left them filling lower than low. A lot of Black women are constantly trying to fight stereotypes of being a hoe, a bad mother, a ghetto chick, and a welfare baby mama. Even when we we aren't any of these things we find ourselves being constantly labeled one of these titles.  Sometimes it seems as if the whole world is against Black women, the media constantly shows us as promiscuous women who will sleep with anyone who has a nice car and clothes. Many Black men degrade us by mental, physical, and emotional abuse then leave us to raise children alone. Some of our parents have never been in our lives and to top it all off our employers look at us differently.  How can we survive in a world of such hatred towards us, how can we maintain our sanity and find happiness when so many things are against us....Where do we go?? 

It is so important that Black women start loving their selves and in turn start loving our sisters....let's stop staring at each other because of our clothes, hair, man, or other bull shit materialistic things. Instead replace that icy glare with a beautiful smile and a warm hello! Lets start building with our sisters, have sister circles where a group of women can come together and talk about anything without feeling ashamed. bell hooks speak on the importance of these type of circles because this is where we can come together and let go all of our pain and sorrow. Start a book club where inspirational books are read each week to build our spirits higher. Tell your sisters they are beautiful so they can get used to hearing it without it coming from a man! Lastly, never judge your sister always have a open heart and open mind to listen to her problems.

Cause you're beautiful like a flower

More valuable than a diamond
You are powerful like a fire
You can heal the world with your mind
There is nothing in the world that you cannot do
When you believe in you, who are beautiful
Yeah you, who are brilliant
Yeah you, who are powerful
Yeah you, who are resilient

Monday, October 18, 2010

Movie Madness: American Violet

American Violet is a powerful movie and shows the realities of the injustices of our legal system.  In American Violet a young single Black mother of four is wrongly accused of selling drug in a school zone. She is forced to plead  guilty because she has to go home and take care of her children and is scared to face the judge who may sentence her to 16-25 years. I don't really want to tell the whole movie because I would prefer if everyone would watch this movie because it is based on a true story but we all know how corrupt the system is.

 This Saturday I was at a demonstration for Askia Sabur who was beat by the police and then jailed after he had to recieve stitches in his head.  This story is not an unfamiliar story in the Black community, I have seen the police harass countless Black women, men, and even our children. Just last week there were eight white officers standing outside a Black middle/high school claiming there was supposed to be a fight after school!!  Their presence was very intimidating to many of the students, teachers, and parents...many people thought something had happened already! The harrassment of police officers is a on going problem and sometimes it looks as if there is no end to the abuse. The reality is cops are cops it does not matter if they are Black or white because Black cops are sometimes worse than their white counterparts!!

The question is what are we suppossed to do when police harass us?? This is not ever going to be an easy answer but its important for Black people to have some knowledge about the law and know what we are legally allowed to do and cops have no right to change the laws. If a cop is harrassing you take the BADGE NUMBER this is important many cops believe Black folks do not have any sense about what to do when they are being harrassed. If someone has a camera, phone, or any other recording device make sure to record the situation...this is evidence!! Most importantly remain calm because these damn cops will charge you with disorderly conduct/disturbing the peace and do not threaten the officer because threatning an officer is a crime!!  It is important that we do all we can to expose these crooked cops and their racist legal system, we should never sit back and act as if it is not happening. Report every single cop that harrasses you and please make sure you keep all paperwork from the reporting process so you can follow up and stay on their behinds! Most importantly educate yourself about this legal system because in reality cops do not know a damn thing about the legal system they are just puppets for the courts, lawyers, and politicians!


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Where is the love?

LOVE is.....

Sometimes I sit back and wonder about this thing called love. Why is it when you are in love you experience some of the most painful situations you have ever been through? Talking with a few of my lady friends who happen to be married, dating, and single I have heard so many hurtful stories about the men in their lives. One of my friends talked about not hearing from her boyfriend for weeks for no apparent reason and she questioned why her?  Another one of my friends talked about the confusion that she was feeling from a  guy who said he liked her but acted otherwise. I don't understand how so many women do so much for the men in their lives and many times get so little in return. Black women take care of so many people in our lives from our mothers, fathers, children, sisters, brothers, and of course our men...but who is there for us when we need to be catered to? Many times black women need a shoulder to cry on, a ear that is willing to listen, a friend that wants to give good advice, but many times we don't have these support systems and many times we are afraid to show are "weak" side. As a black women I have seen many of my fellow sisters hurt by men, I have witnessed to many crying, fighting, and complaining over men. It's time that we begin to get rid of negativity in our lives including the men and begin to put ourselves first. Take time to read a book, pray, exercise, cut your phone and computer off, have a girls night, do anything that makes you happy!  When you begin to have true love for yourself your whole life will begin to fall into place.  We have to stop allowing men to have complete control of our thoughts and actions and begin to make room for ourselves...

Motown Girl Spotlight of the Week!!

This is a quick post due to excitement!

I will be featured on Motown Girl Spotlight of the Week!

Thank You Motown Girl

I hope all the beautiful natural sistas check me out!

Peace Motown Girl Spotlight of the Week!!