Synopsis: In 1976, after years of mysterious absence, Marcus returns to the Philadelphia neighborhood where he came of age in the midst of the Black Power movement. While his arrival raises suspicion among his family and former neighbors, he finds acceptance from his old friend Patricia and her daughter. However, Marcus quickly finds himself at odds with the organization he once embraced, whose members suspect he orchestrated the slaying of their former comrade-in-arms. In a startling sequence of events, Marcus must protect a secret that could shatter everyone's beliefs as he rediscovers his forbidden passion for Patricia.
Anyone who reads my blog or has any connection to me knows that I am an indy film junkie. I love indy movies because the passion from the charactes is utterly amazing and sends chills up my spine....This movie was great...shorter than I thought it would be though! I have to give much respect for first time director Tanya Hamilton a beautiful Black woman who wrote and directed this film. The soundtrack for this movie is one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard in a movie. I am still debating between Slumdog's soundtrak and this one! The music is a mixture of soul, blues, and hip hop courtesy of Philly's own The Roots.
This film is based on a cast of characters who all had or still have involvment in the Black Panther Party. The charaters have changed and some have grew out of the movement which breeds some resentment and emotions amongst everyone. Anthony Mackie is brilliant in this film, he is very intense and serious throughout the film and you can actually feel the love he has for Kerry Washington even though he never mentions it. Kerry Washington is very sweet in the movie but she has a sterness when it comes to old ideas of the party because she is not with them anymore. Kerry Washington is also a loving mother and community lawyer who helps individuals with their cases, feeds children in the community, while also being a loving and protective mother. Even though Kerry isn't with the Panthers anymore she still embodies many of their beliefs about giving back to the community. One of my favorite scenes in the movie is when Kerry and Anthony let down their walls and actually make love. The love scene is so beautiful and romantic that you forget all the serious issues that are happening in the movie.
If you have not seen this movie then you should make your way to the theater and check it out. Firstly, the director and cast is all Black so we should support our Black film makers who are actually making film, secondly, the movie is fantastic and the actors/actresses are moving, thirdly the soundtrack is dope and you will be jamming in the movies.
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