I am a big fan of indy movies especially foreign films! Today I watched the movie Osama which is a stunning yet sad movie about a family of women who are poor and makes their 12 year old daughter dress as a boy to get a job. The story is simple, the actors had no experience yet this movie has touched me deeply. The actors who acted in this movie were inspiring because they had witnessed evilness of the Taliban and they still hurt from the after effects. The Taliban had no respect for women at all and this movie can not even begin to show the heartless things that these men did to these innoncent women and children. One of the scenes in the movie I will never forget is when Osama's mother is on a bike and her feet are showing and the Taliban stops her and tell her men will be aroused and that she should cover her feet! Wow...It sounds minor but when you watch this scene of the movie you are brought to tears... Siddiq Barmak did a wonderful and brave job showcasing the evilness of the Taliban regime. When the Taliban were in power all movies were banned and this was the first movie to be made in Afghanistan after the Taliban were removed from power. If you are looking for a great movie watch that has inspirational actors and a great theme Osama is the movie for you.
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